Liberia - Mount Nimba Strict Reserve (extension)

East Nimba Nature Reserve (ENNR) is located at North- eastern Central Liberia with a total area of 13, 500 hectares or 337,500 acres. The Reserve is characterized by a composition of natural ecosystems evolving from several ecological and geo- physical processes that have resulted in the creation of many habitat types such as montane gallery forest, secondary thickets, or woody grass land, secondary hill forests, moist evergreen forest, swamp or wetter secondary forests covering Guinea and Cote D’voire. As a result of the diverse vegetative uniqueness of the site, accommodation is provided for many species of conservation relevance that are endemic to the Liberian side of the mountain which are either threatened or endangered under IUCN status such as the Nimba toad ( Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis liberiensis), Nimba otter shrew ( Micropotamogale lamottei) ( Endangered), Nimba flycatcher (Malaenornis annaamarulae) (Vulnerable) African Swallow-tail butterfly (Papilio antimachus) and the endangered Chimpanzees (Pantroglodytes verus) which are famous for their distinctive tool use repertoire. Also adding credit to the site is its biodiversity potential, form, and array of endemic and threatened fauna. The site is currently considered to be the richest forest domain of the country; particularly, in terms of rarity and endemic species composition. The other side of Mount Nimba in Guinea and Ivory Coast is already designated as a World Heritage Site.

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