Lesotho - Thaba-Bosiu National Monument

Thaba-Bosiu National Monument is a plateau situated in the Phuthiatsana Valley, about 23km south-east of Maseru, the capital city. It was named Thaba-Bosiu (mountain at night) during the occupation of Moshoeshoe 1, founder of the Basotho nation in 1824. It got its name because as one gets nearer the impressive and formidable it gets mainly for the enemies at night. It covers an area of about 3km (northlsouth) by 2km (eastlwest). It has steep vertical ciiffs along the ridge and is accessible only along foot passes. Several water springs on the plateau sustained the occupants and some have been named after the historical figures such as the one used by 'Mamohato the first wife to Moshoeshoe 1, and Makhabane, Moshoeshoe's brother. There is a graveyard where Moshoeshoe 1 and IƮis family members were buried. The most recent one is the grave of Moshoeshoe I l who was buried on January 15, 1996. The plateau hosts remnants of Moshoeshoe' 1 village. The walls of two-roomed European house, several houses occupied by his relatives and villagers are still standing. There is testimony bearing interaction between Moshoeshoe and other nations with the inscriptions on a rock. There are rock paintings and other forms of archaeological materials/deposits.

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