France - Harbor Marseille

"Harbor Marseille.
1. Façade maritime city of Marseille, from north to south: Battery-Corbières; Entrance to the tunnel-Rove.
-Neighborhood I'Estaque; in the background of natural solid Nerthe (oppida Celto-Ligurian): Port de la Joliette: Digue du Large, Panzani Silo, Silo Arenc, Docks nineteenth century buildings of the shipping companies of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Cathedrals (old and new Major); Together, the Old Port (Fort Saint-Jean and Saint-Nicolas, health advice, Reconstruction of buildings, dock Beiges, a former arsenal of galleys, Pharo Palace); Abbaye Saint-Victor
Basilique Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde.
-Promenade de la Corniche (valley of Auffes, tide gauge, villas and country houses resorts): Old-quarters of the Old Chapel, Pointe Rouge and Montredon (bastide Pastré, industrial heritage of the nineteenth century in natural solid plan arriière Marseilleveyre. The southern boundary could be located at the Madrague Montredon, before the massive creeks, natural site, the DIREN emitting large reserves in the extension of registration for this very fragile. The effect of awareness induced by World Heritage listing of mankind would be likely to threaten the preservation of listed site. Note that the Cosquer cave, decorated cave indicating human presence in the Paleolithic era, historical monument, is located in this mountain creeks.

2. Urban area behind the coastline to consider: the old city of Marseille, including:
- The Panier district (site of the Greek city, Old Charity, Hotel Dieu)
- Extensions of Louis XIV (during Belsunce, over St. Louis)
- Canebière Boulevard Longchamp, Longchamp Palace

3. Islands.
- Islands of Friuli (island yew, Pomàgues of Ratonneau)
- Island Planier" 

Source: UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List

The Mediterannean port of Marseilles, France. Located in the region of PACA. Thanks to Rupanjana for sending me this nice postcard.

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