Lebanon - Valley of Nahr el Kelb natural environment, monuments and archaeological sites

"The environment is well preserved throughout the valley. The flora includes a wide variety of local species. In several places stand gray dolomitic rocks pretty spectacular, unique to Lebanon. Wilderness: Caves Jeita (domain state) famous for their stalactites and stalagmites of extraordinary shapes and underground river. Natural Bridge of Kfar Zeibian shown on the Official List of Lebanese and Monuments Sort Registered Historic Monuments and Sites). Monuments: Headstones commemorative engraved on the rocky promontory overlooking the sea date back to the twelfth century BC. BC while the latest is 1946. All reflect the passage of various conquerors and cultures that have developed on the Levantine coast. (Ranked by Decree No. 506 of March 5, 1937). Kalat Temple Fakra (domain state): remains of a Roman temple to 6 prostylos Corinthian columns dating from the second century AD Part of the temple is formed by an arrangement of dolomitic rocks surrounding the site. Adjoining the temple there is the remains of a small town which has a small Byzantine chapel basilica with three naves." Source: UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List

Jeita Cave - Thanks to Grete of UK who visited here.

Postcard 1

Postcard 2

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