Kazakhstan - Archaeological sites of Otrar oasis

"Otrar oasis is an area of 200 sq km with archaeological remains of medieval towns and structures of irrigation. The main town is Otrar (I-XV1D AC), other towns are Kuyruk-Tobe (I-XV), Altyn - Tobe(I-XI), Pshakshi-Tobe (I-XII), Mardan-Kuyk (I-XV), Kok-Mardan (I-VII). Otrar town is the largest medieval hillfort of Kazakhstan with an area of 170 ha.: in the first century AC was part of the Kangju empire; at the beginning of the VIII capital of the Kangars tribal confederation (Petchenegues) with the name of Kangu-Targan and later of Farab. Abn Nasr Farabi born here in 870 and Timur here died in 1405. It has all the typical features of a medieval Central Asian town: citadel, shahristan (a town in itself), rabat (suburbs) and fields, everything surrounded by walls. Today the landscape is reduced to semidesert and the towns are in ruin, but, until the XV century, Otrar, together with the rest of the oasis, represented the main urban centre on the marginal zone between southern towns and northern steppes, between settlers and nomads of Central Asia..." Source: UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List
Medieval town of Otrar in South Kazakhstan. Nice stamps used. Thanks to Dariya of Kazakhstan.

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