Dominican Republic - Prehispanic Rock Art in the Dominican Republic

he pre-Hispanic rock art of the Dominican Republic is located in caves, shelters and open-air rocks scattered throughout the national geography. We have found rock sites both in the coastal plain, and in the great valleys and mountains. A very important part of the caverns scattered around the Dominican geography, around 20%, contains manifestations of rock art. During the prospection and research works that have been carried out in the country, for the moment, between caverns, shelters or rocks in the open air, about 500 stations have been reported, of which 247 have published documentation. Basically there are three types of rock art that we found on the island of Santo Domingo: paintings, petroglyphs and bas-reliefs. As in other parts of the world, in the Dominican territory different schools and styles of rock painting coexist. Its artistic, iconographic and conceptual particularities denote the difference of the cultural groups that made them both chronologically and culturally.

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