Ethiopia - Holqa Sof Omar: Natural and Cultural Heritage (Sof Omar: Caves of Mystery)

"Holqa Sof Omar: is one of the most spectacular and extensive underground caverns in the world: the Sof Omar cave system. Formed by the Weib River as it changed its course in the distant past and carved a new channel through limestone foothills, the Sof Omar cave system is an extraordinary natural phenomenon of breathtaking beauty. Here the Weib River vanishes into this giant underground world with its arched portals, high eroded ceilings, and deep, vaulted echoing chambers. These caves, now an important Islamic shrine named after the saintly Sheik Sof Omar Ahmed, who took refuge here many centuries ago (around early 11th century AD), have a religious history that predates the arrival of the Muslims in Bale — a history calibrated in thousands, not hundreds, of years..." 

Source: UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List

Sof Omar Caves, located in Bale region, Ethiopia, about 15km long, is one of the longest cave systems in Africa. Two nice black rhinocerous stamps used. Thanks to Ronald of Sweden who was visiting Ethiopia.

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