Romania - Byzantine Churches and post-Byzantine Curtea de Arges

"The city of Curtea de Arges, former capital of Wallachia, preserves important monuments. A first set and is the ruins of the Princely Court (thirteenth-sixteenth centuries) and the princely church Saint-Nicolas, built between 1340-1376 in the "Greek cross" and maintaining a nearly full the original painting, whose artistic qualities are among the most important examples of painting of the fourteenth century. The ensemble is completed by the ruins of the church of "Saint Nicoara" (fifteenth century). The second objective, the church of the former Monastery of Arges (1512-1517), decorated richly carved in stone, has a plan triconch has four domes in the narthex expanded, serving at the same time necropolis. The monument is an architectural archetype for a series of monastic buildings, foundations princely Representatives, until the eighteenth century." Source: UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List

Orthodox Monastery of Curtea de Argres is the burial place of the Romanian Royal Family. Thanks to Daniela of Romania.

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