Italy - Hanbury Botanical Gardens

"West of Ventimiglia, in the westernmost part of Liguria, shortly before the French-Italian border, there lies a 2-km long coastal plan called Piana del Latte - Latte being the name of the stream crossing it. Ever since the second half of the 19th century, this area has been characterised by a unified system of settlement, i.e. by the suburban villas built by wealthy families of Ventimiglia for their leisure hours with the relevant agrarian landscape. The villas date back to different periods, ranging from the 16th century up to the early 20th century, and highlight the long-established vocation of this area, which has always been especially well suited for leisurely settlements and agricultural production thanks to its temperate climate, rich soil, and beautiful landscape..." 

Source: UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List

Giardini Botanici Hanbury, Universita Degli Studi de Genova. This garden with exotic species is located about 5km from the French border. A matching Hanbury Garden stamp used. Thanks to Marta of Italy.

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