China - Wudalianchi Scenic Spots

"The Wudalianchi is one of the first batch of state scenic spots areas approved though the State Council in 1982, and a state-level nature reserve approved in 1996. There are the most typical and perfect vestiges of modern volcanic eruption in China, and the world- known volcano-related mineral spring water. The Wudalianchi volcanic cluster is situated in the E-W tectonic belt at the junction between Xiaohinggan Mts. Uplift and Song-Nen depression. The volanic eruption was related to the faulting activity between the above-mentioned two tectonic units...." 

Source: UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List

Wudalianchi is located in Heilongjiang. Thanks CYL for this postcard and maxicards from China.

Postcard 1

Maxicard 1

Maxicard 2

Maxicard 3

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