Yemen - Jabal Bura

The western facade of the mountain, undeveloped, is covered with a vegetation of tropical type so dense that it is difficult to access. Probably a remnant of primitive forest gone for millennia. Fortunately, the road ends very early and there we can see all kinds of plants: down the banana grows, in the middle of the coffee, at the top durum wheat. Its east facade is fully equipped with many hamlets, cultivated terraces of exceptional quality that go to the top. The population has its particular customs and dresses differently from other regions. Bura is still very well protected. However, a road to the east is growing and being paved. In this case, the number of vehicles may threaten the balance of its biodiversity. Everything is there to please. The villages, among the most famous in the world, preserve the illuminated richness of the fagades. The mountain communities far from the main communication axes still retain their particularities.

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