China - Site of Southern Yue State

"The archaeological sites of the Southern Yue State (the palace of the Southern Yue State, the tomb of the Southern Yue King, and the wooden Watergate of the Southern Yue State), situated at Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province P.R. China. The Southern Yue State (203 B.C.-111B.C.) was a vassal state founded in the southern China during the early years of the western Han Dynasty. Its establishment accelerated the leap of development in social history in Lingnan region from the primitive society to the feudal society.

The tomb of the Southern Yue King was discovered in 1983, which ranked one of the top five important archaeological discoveries of China in the 1980's. It's by far the largest intact tomb of colour-painted stone chamber with the richest burial articles. Over 1000 pieces (or sets) of cultural relics were unearthed from the tomb, which were of great variety including ritual and musical instruments, weapons, food vessels, cloths, life utensils, jade carvings and gold and silver works." Source: UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List

Site musuem collection of open-work double drage jade pendant, width: 10.1cm. Thanks to Johnson of Hong Kong who visited one of the Southern Yue sites.

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