Saint Kitts and Nevis - Historic zone of Basseterre

"Founded circa 1625 as the first French town in the Caribbean, Basseterre is located on a shelterd bay opening upon an extensive and fertile plain. It became the British capital in 1727. The design of the oldest section is French, while many of the older buildings combine elements of french and English colonial architecture. The town, with a population of some 15000 is the capital of the country of St.Kitts and Nevis, and is the main commercial centre. There are two port facilities- one for cardgo, the other for travellers (mainly cruise ship). The international airport is just two miles from the town centre." Source: UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List

Took me a while to get a postcard from St. Kitts and Nevis. I was surprise to know that St. Kitts and Nevis have their own stamps for commercial reason. This postcard was sent from St. Kitts, thanks to Ann of Florida who went on a Caribbean cruise.

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