Indonesia - The Historic and Marine Landscape of the Banda Islands

"The Banda Islands are an outstanding example of a cultural landscape, in which natural and cultural elements are intertwined. These two elements are inseparable, as the geography and climate (the natural parts) made the cultivation of the nutmeg possible, which resulted in the cultural development of the islands as a significant center of colonial trade and history. Adding this cultural marine landscape as a mixed site to the World Heritage List will diversify the List, as this category is now heavily under-represented (1,007 properties listed with only 31 mixed sites). The Spice Islands are indeed an outstanding example of the earliest conquests in colonial history, exhibiting not only remnants of the European occupation, but also the unique natural marine environment that attracted the exploitation of the land. The past colonial conquests of the Europeans have completely changed our world today, and not only did this history start here in the Banda Islands, but also much of the required capital to explore the rest of the world was earned here. Therefore, the historic remnants on the Banda islands represent the very threshold of colonial domination in world history. Lastly, the marine environment of the Banda islands is not only unique because it provided the special circumstances for the growth of nutmeg, but also because it supports underwater marine life of exceptional biodiversity as well. The Banda Islands marine environment is an outstanding and thriving example of a coral reef environment that creates a unique habitat for marine biota to live, grow and reproduce. Moreover, after part of the Banda coral reef was completely destroyed after Mt. Gurung Api’s eruption in 1988, in a few years the coral rapidly grew back and currently thrives, a unique happening since in other reef locations around the world, the coral does not grow back at after the eruption of a volcano all."

Source: UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List

Postcard 1
Gunung Api of Banda Island. Thanks to Shinta of Indonesia.

Postcard 2
Boat festival in Banda Neira, Banda Islands.

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